REX 300 Power Amplifier
Available in silver or black
Balanced Audio Technology’s latest REX Series offering, the REX 300 solid-state power amplifier, sounds very much like the brother of the REX 500. Further tuning of the REX 300 power supply results in the introduction of the fourth-generation of BAT’s SuperPak topology. Steve Bednarski, BAT general manager, notes: “This new SuperPak Quattro helps further blur the line between tube and solid-state design. It provides much greater textural beauty to the reproduction of music.” He continues: “It will only take one listen to understand.”

Innovative Power Supply Design
The gain stages of REX 300 feature ultra-high current delivery to achieve spectacular transparency and dynamic realism The amp also employs the same split power supply topology (Twin Path) as REX 500. These individual power paths allow the supply to deliver much greater current than traditional designs. The power supply design is further enhanced by BAT’s SuperPak Quattro capacitor bank, which provides four levels of power-supply filtration. In SuperPak Quattro, third-generation premium silver foil/oil capacitors are joined by an X-cap to further flesh out music’s textural beauty and tonal density of music.
Fuseless Protection Circuit where Zeus beats Thor
REX 300 incorporates the same protection circuit used in REX 500 to eliminate any need to replace internal fuses. Many of us have experienced power surges at home and the resultant blown fuses in our gear. If Thor is treating you poorly, just press a rear-panel button on REX 300. Zeus will be summoned to restore normal operation. That’s it! The elimination of internal fuses also permits REX 300 to handle higher currents without impeding the circuit's operation. As always, the best-sounding fuse is no fuse at all.

Only Two Gain Stages (with Zero Global Feedback)
The REX 300 amplifier circuit consists of just two gain blocks. The theoretical ideal for any power amplifier would be to have only one gain block. But the single-stage amp is only possible with low power output. Thus, REX 300 stands at the zenith of simplicity for modern high-power amplifier design. True to BAT’s name, REX 300 is also fully balanced from input to output.
N-Channel MOSFETs
The REX 300 circuit is based entirely on N-Channel MOSFET devices. High-power amplifiers traditionally use complementary N- and P-Channel devices in the output stage. Such configurations are easier to build but suffer from an important drawback: P-Channel devices are inherently inferior to their brethren because they are much slower. In REX 300, both sides of the waveform are handled by identical devices in identical circuit configuration, assuring symmetry of the resulting signal.
Intelligent Power Upgrade
REX 300 can be ordered as either a stereo amplifier or as a monoblock. BAT also provides a transparent upgrade path that allows the owner of a stereo REX 300 to easily convert to a monoblock setup at any point. You don’t need to trade your amplifier in to obtain more power. Simply convert your existing REX 300 to a monoblock and order a second REX 300 monoblock to match. Technically, the stereo to monoblock conversion is accomplished by paralleling the inputs and outputs. This means the performance gets even better since the current delivery gets doubled and becomes more effortless, like the sound of live music.

REX 300 Power Amplifier
200Wpc into eight ohm load
400Wpc into four ohm load
Two-stage signal path
Fully differential design from
input to output
Wide bandwidth
3Hz to 200KHz
High slew rate
N-Channel MOSFETs used throughout
Zero global feedback
High-current driver stage
Isolated power supplies for the driver and output stages
Twin Path power supply
SuperPak Quattro capacitor pack
Highest-quality parts used throughout
Power Consumption (Idle/Full Power)
400W / 3000W
19” x 6.5” x 18”
70 lbs.